Beginning on Tuesday, December 1, 2020 we will be switching to winter hours. We will be open by appointment only. Please call ahead and leave a message and we will return your call to set up an appointment. We will be checking our phones Tuesday thru Saturday each week.
We will resume resume regular hours March 1, 2021.
Welcome to the number one plumeria website on the world wide web, celebrating 32 years in the plumeria business with 24 years on the web.
We would like to thank all of you our loyal customers for making our 2020 so successful. We are all busy little bees working to make 2021 even more successful. Truck loads of plumeria cuttings are arriving almost daily. So much so, we have almost run out of space in our 6 greenhouses.
to USA continental customers! Larger trees and to west coast may be subject to additional charges.
We have discontinued shipping un-rooted cuttings until next spring. It is to late in the season to attempt rooting plumeria. We have many rooted plants to choose from, so be advised -Mahalo.
813 / 653-2496