The following are comments we have received as feedback from our customers.
They are “unabridged” comments we have received either by email
or letter. If e-mail, the comments are simply “copied and pasted”directly
from the e-mails. Names have been omitted for obvious reasons.
I planted all of these and everyone you shipped me has grown.
I have come to know that yours is the only site I trust for quality plumeria.
Keep it up and I’ll sure spread the word about your great plant material
and your service after the sale.. Sincerely, Don
Thank you very much. You guys are top notch with regard to customer service. Richard
I was just checking my Email to remove old ones and saw the comment
I made about your fantastic website. WELL……..I hadn’t seen anything yet.
When I opened that box that arrived this morning I nearly went into hysterics
when I saw how - yes - FANTASTIC the cuttiings are. You’ll be hearing from me again
in a year or so, I just hope I do my part well. Depending on how everything goes I may
want a couple more soon. So, thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ll spread the word among my
friends. Lynn
Just wanted to let you know that the Plumeria we ordered last
May has sprouted four beautiful new leaves and has
the buds for four more on the way.
We LOVE to see its quick progress on such a healthy stock
… Thank you, Thank you!!!! M. S in MN,
Your nursery is so wonderful, and Steve was great and answered all my many questions in detail. I used
to live in Hawaii, and visiting your nursery was like visiting a Hawaiian island near Tampa.
Mahalo for a very nice experience.
I would like to inform you that I received the cuttings
yesterday in very good condition. Thank you very much for the extra rooted cutting,
it is very nice of you, what is it?
The rest of the cuttings are developing magnificently.
Thank you EXOTIC PLUMERIA. Best regards Anton G, Malta
Today, I was very pleased to receive a beautifully branched
rooted replacement tree from Exotic Plumeria. The replacement
tree far exceeded my expectations and I know it must be valued
at more that my original order. It is very nice in these
times to do business with a company that stands behind its product.
Once again, thank you for your prompt attention to this matter and I
am looking forward to doing business with you in the future, Donald
Just had to drop you a line. We have been in your nursery quite a few times this spring.
A couple times we spent small amounts and a couple times
quite large purchases over $1,000. The thing I wish to commend you for is,
that we received very courteous and knowledgeable service every time, regardless
of how much we were spending. We will certainly be back. It
is so uncommon to see people with such a passion for what they sell
and back it up with such courteous service. Thanks, Beth,
plus the quality of your plumeria is the best we have ever seen.
My wife just got around to getting out her plumeria this week
for concerns of outside air temperature, and
they are doing great. Having gotten plants from other sources,
we certainly did not expect the level of quality that comes from you guys.
Those trees (from cuttings) make my girls very happy. Since
it is my job to keep them that way I appreciate those that help me with that.
you guys are great.Once again thanks. Bryon
I received my replacement cutting & can’t tell you how HEALTHY it was
when it arrived !! I planted it the day I rec’d it and I can already see
the tiniest of leaves beginning to stand up. Thank you for your awesome service ! You can believe I will be
back as an extremely satisfied customer. Kelli,
I ordered from you before and I was 1000% percent satisfied. Would it be possible to visit
your facility. I can make a donation…..Abran Abeyta
Thanks for the super service. The plant arrived Monday 6/13 in beautiful condition and is enjoying our
95 degree heat and sun. Many thanks again! -Jim
Even though we are a commercial account (Landscaper in Miami area),we felt we had to send you our greatest
thanks for the shipment of trees we received last week. You met our specifications and far surpassed them.
The trees were so much nicer that we had expected or for that matter had ever seen. The plumeria we find in the
Miami area are nowhere near as full and healthy as we received from you. You can count us as a new regular customer.
It is so rare to get more than you pay for these days.We did not know that plumeria could look like the ones we received.
Our order was for 2-10 to 12 ft Celadine trees,3-8 to 10 ft Singapore and 3-6 to 8 ft Singapores.We honestly did not know
that trees this height could have the spread these trees had, and the number of growth tips was simply amazing.
Once again our heartfelt thanks
Thank You so much for your amazing service. Your prices
are as published with no hidden costs, the email confirmation was
greatly appreciated, delivery time was so quick I couldn’t believe it,
and my mother was thrilled! I work for the airline industry and I
am knee deep in customer service everyday, so I feel I am an expert
in judging excellent customer service and your company is five star!
I will recommend your company to everyone. It really was a pleasure
doing business with you.
Could you send me 5 copies of the EXOTIC Color Catalogs.
Please let me know the total cost with shipment by USPS to
Tahiti,French Polynesia. Payment by credit card.
The plumeria cuttings I ordered from you last year ,
are growing nice and plump.Thank you. Looking forward
to your reply,
I purchased a tangerine plumeria cutting from you online for my wife
as an anniversary gift here in Cincinnati last September. Unfortunately,
the cutting developed stem rot within about two weeks. I called Josh
and he offered some advice at how to possibly save it though said the
outlook wasn’t very good and said to call him back if it didn’t make it.
When it didn’t make it, I called back and Josh again was very helpful.
He promised to send another cutting right away though I was a bit gun
shy not sure how the cutting would take this late in the year and asked
him we could prolong shipment until late winter/early spring at which
point he suggested that may be best. Well, about a week later he called
back and said he stumbled across a well established cutting with a good
root cluster and would be happy to ship it then or in the spring
whichever I preferred. I took him up on it and a few days later he
shipped the replacement. It is now starting its spring growth and I look
forward to its future blooms.
Thank you to you and Josh for standing behind your product…it’s refreshing
in this day and age when consumers have to take the initiative instead of
just doing good business. Mahalo,
Mark in Cincinnati
Hi. I received my “India” and “Lemon Twirl” on Thursday (2/5). They are in great shape and
have been already planted. Thank you for the rooted “India” and the very nice “Lemon Twirl”
cutting! I plan on attending the USF Flower show on April 10. If you are going to be there I
would like to say Hi and Thank You in person for the most excellent plumeria you sell.
Wow! Thank you for the great replacement. I’ve always
heard wonderful things about Exotic Plumeria and the
customer service, but now I’ve had firsthand experience.
I will DEFINITELY recommend you to all of my
plumeria-growing friends. When I
buy other varieties, believe me, you’ll be my first and
only place to shop. I wish everyone conducted business the way
you do. The world would be a much nicer place to live in.
Thank you again
Jane Doe rec’d the Anthurium and likes it a lot. Thank you for
taking care of this for me just the way I wanted it done
Just a note to say thanks for such prompt and courteous service.
In these “Internet” Days it is such a pleasure
to find a company who actually does what its says it would do
and on a timely basis. Thanks for your service
It is so wonderful to find a company who really
stands behind its products. Thank you so
much for replacing my cutting (Miami Rose) as
your guarantee states. I did not receive any hassles from anyone
involved and received the replacement within three days
of my call. Thank you for living up to your word.
That is quite rare these days.
I can’t believe it. Someone, (a company no less) that
actually does what it says it will do. You have my business
for life. You are to be congratulated on running such a customer
friendly operation. Whoever is calling the shots there knows
how people want to be treated. You can be assured I will spread
the word. In fact, I already have. Your methods of doing business
should be emulated by other companies on the net, sincerely
Alan, Good morning, this is Patrick M. Deann and I just wanted to say
thank you for the leis. They arrived on time and looked great. We had no
problems and the leis were a big hit. Everyone at the wedding could not
believe that they were real and how good they smelled. It was a wonderful
touch for our wedding. We had a great honeymoon and are now back to work.
Once again, thank you and have a good day.
P and D M.
Dear Alan, I just wanted to let you know that the 2 replacement cuttings that you
sent are rooting nicely and one has flower buds. I am very thankful that
you sent them and I will want to get some more later on. Thank you again I
am telling all my friends about the wonderful company that I found in Florida.
I just received my Plumeria tree this morning and I am just delighted! I’ve been
so excited since finding your beautiful website that I could hardly wait! You see,
I lived in Hawaii many years ago, and of all the wonderful things about Hawaii, I
think I missed the scent of Plumeria the most. As gorgeous as your photos are, there
is no way to describe the fragrance without experiencing it.
My tree arrived in flawless condition, and the hardest part about ordering from the
website is trying to decide WHICH Plumeria to buy!! I will definitely be ordering
again soon. I know this will bring back wonderful memories for many years to come. Thank you.
Hi, First, I wanted to thank you for your great customer service!
A while back I ordered a Maile cutting. I potted the cutting
but it eventually got soft and rotted. I tried to save it but not
luck. Anyway, I email you folks and you replaced the cutting. I just
wanted to say thanks!!
PS - Just wanted to let you know that the previous cuttings purchased are
doing wonderful and should be going into the ground soon. Thanks for the
quality of your products.
Thanks again for sending me the plumeria. I got them today in the mail (Priority
Mail). I really appreciate it. I have them planted already in a good peat based
potting soil, with a rooting hormone to help them out. I will look forward to doing
more business with your firm in the future, as I know now, what a quality outfit you all are!
St. Louis
Dear Alan, I received my Confetti cutting last week. THANKS…It even had a few flowers on it.
I have planted it and it looks very happy. Thanks for your great service..
Sincerely, Susan ZZZZZZ
Thank you for the information… Yes, she is very happy with her new Plumeria
and enjoying the catalogue as well. Inspite of many hints, she was not able to
guess what it was. A true Birthday surprise and great gift because she loves them so.
I appreciate your excellent service. M. C.
Dear Mr. Bunch; I just finished reading the customer comments on your fabulous website, and
I just wanted to add that your service and quality has always been like your
customer comments quoted there. I have been a customer of yours for four
years and I am still impressed even more every time I visit the Exotic
Plumeria. You have also given very graciously of your time every time I’ve
called you with a question regarding taking care of my precious plumerias.
Thanks for all you do and thanks for providing such a wonderful source for
the most beautiful flowers on earth! God Bless.
Sincerely, Don Bok
South Daytona, Fl.
P.S. I don’t mind if you do use my name, I would recommend you anytime.
Again, thank you for your help. Just a note for your file. You all have great
customer service and are very pleasant to deal with. Have a Happy Holiday.
I want to thank you so much for the lovely time my Aunt and I had visiting your
beautiful nursery on Saturday. The potted plumeria is already showing signs of
growth- the leaves that were on there are widening out, I guess to make room for
the next round? My cuttings survived the plane ride very well. There is a small
amount of a thick white fluid on the tip of the celadine that I am curious about,
but other than that, all seems well. I got new pots and plenty of potting mix and
perlite today so they should be ready to get potted and go out by the weekend.
You have a wonderful place and I really am looking forward to visiting again in August.
Again, thanks for a lovely morning.
Hello, I have just recieved my plumerias (It took seven days week end included,
itsn’t very long for shipment to France!). The plants look nice and I Thank you.
Millions of thanks , my Maile cutting arrived today in perfect condition.
I am very happy, especially since you offered me replacement and rooted the plumeria for me.
The Kauka Wilder and the Cancun Pink are doing very good.
I surely will re-command you and will buy more cuttings in the future.
Again thank you so very much