The Exotic Plumeria is pleased to announce that we are offering plumeria to nurseries around the country on a wholesale basis. If you desire plumeria cuttings, rooted plants or larger trees please contact us via e-mail (below), with your needs. At any given, time we normally stock approximately 8 to 10,000 trees. We ship via air-cargo, via commercial truck, as well as the USPS. We also accept international orders.
Generic plumeria varieties pricing is as follows:
Colors available are pink, white, red, yellow and rainbow
These are all Hawaii grown prime plumeria cuttings approximately 16 inches in length. Quality is far superior to cuttings coming from central America.
Please note, at these prices we offer no guarantee that the cuttings survive.
No one gets 100% all the time in rooting plumeria.
——————————-NCS*———— CCM**——
1-100 8.50 9.50
101-250 8.00 9.00
251-500 7.50 8.5
501-1,000 7.00 8.00
Shipping and handling is priced separately and is exactly our cost. There is no markup on shipping.
* NCS - no color specified CCM** Color chosen and marked
A different pricing schedule applies for named cultivars.
You must have a sales tax certificate from your state. There is a minimum dollar purchase requirement of $500.